Farfalla Caqui
2004-08-15 23:06:51 UTC
Title: Deerest Blood
Author: Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
Email: blueberrysnail @ yahoo.com
Site: http://cosmicduckling.com/spirk
Rating: G, drabble
Series: TOS
Pairing: K/S
I apologize if this is a repost (I don't think it is.)
The bucks on the nature program attacked each other, antlers
Spock, dressed impeccably, switched off the vid. "Jim, we must depart
for Uhura's birthday celebration."
"I wanted to see what happened to the deer," Kirk protested.
"Most likely, the stronger deer will mate with the female and
perpetuate the best genes."
"You never know," said Kirk. "He might be so distraught at killing his
friend that he forgets about the female. Then, he finds out the other
buck's only playing dead, and they scamper off together."
"Highly improbable," Spock deadpanned, taking Kirk's hand
affectionately as they left the cabin.
Author: Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
Email: blueberrysnail @ yahoo.com
Site: http://cosmicduckling.com/spirk
Rating: G, drabble
Series: TOS
Pairing: K/S
I apologize if this is a repost (I don't think it is.)
The bucks on the nature program attacked each other, antlers
Spock, dressed impeccably, switched off the vid. "Jim, we must depart
for Uhura's birthday celebration."
"I wanted to see what happened to the deer," Kirk protested.
"Most likely, the stronger deer will mate with the female and
perpetuate the best genes."
"You never know," said Kirk. "He might be so distraught at killing his
friend that he forgets about the female. Then, he finds out the other
buck's only playing dead, and they scamper off together."
"Highly improbable," Spock deadpanned, taking Kirk's hand
affectionately as they left the cabin.